The Futurists – Future thinking at Bowman Riley
The Futurists – As we navigate the current landscape of Covid-19 and the changes to the way we live and work. We are seeing a rise in trends and issues that will impact architecture and the built landscape. We are moving towards a new generation of buildings which are flexible, support health and wellbeing and can help with climate change. Current economic and environmental issues will affect key sectors ranging from planning to workspaces, healthcare and education.
Here at Bowman Riley, we have a group of future thinkers who meet regularly to discuss issues impacting our sector. The Futurists group, founded in May 2019, comprises ten people spanning all areas of the practice. The group is currently considering the changing landscape of the interior design space. Most recently we have been discussing Resimercial Design, which is a combination of residential and commercial space, bringing aspects of home into the contemporary workspace. This trend has gained momentum in recent months due to the increase in home working, and considerations around how to create comfortable workspaces which enhance people’s wellbeing. Outside of the workspace, Covid-19 may have a lasting influence on the infrastructure of our cities – from widening pavements, converting traffic lanes to bike lanes and giving up streets to outdoor dining terraces.
Covid-19 has impacted students and graduates looking to take their first steps in their careers. With this in mind, the Futurists group is currently looking at revamping our Academy program with a focus on how we can support students virtually, and the different ways that we could offer practical and industry experience.
Over the coming weeks we hope to share more knowledge and ideas from our Futurists group, so watch this space!
Nicola Bailey – The Futurists Team