Denso Marston Manufacturing Facility – Yorkshire

Denso Marston Manufacturing Facility – Yorkshire

Denso Marston

Shipley, Bradford

Bowman Riley designed the extensions and alterations to the Denso Marston manufacturing facility that produces thermal cooling systems for construction, industrial and agricultural applications.

Denso Marston has been based at their 65 hectare site in Shipley since 1904 and needed to extend their existing 32,600m² factory by 6999m² to increase the production area enabling them to expand their business and in doing so secure employment for 718 people and create new opportunities.

A significant challenge was to create additional space on a difficult sloping site and to manage the diversion of a local trunk sewer crossing the site. Existing buildings and roofed areas were removed to make way for the new production areas. The project was planned to take place in four main phases, with an initial enabling phase with all works taking place whilst the manufacturing facility was fully operational at all times.

The new extensions are of a simple industrial appearance to match the existing buildings. The roofs have a proportion of translucent roof lights to provide good natural daylighting within the factory areas.

An ecological survey was carried out with careful consideration of the Denso Marston nature reserve and in consultation with the Friends of the Denso Marston Nature Reserve. Additional planting was carried out to enhance the nature reserve.

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