Cavendish Pavilion – Bolton Abbey, North Yorkshire

Devonshire Hotels and Restaurants

Bolton Abbey, Wharfedale,  Yorkshire Dales

Bowman Riley designed and project managed the major refurbishment of the Cavendish Pavilion, a historic tourist attraction in the heart of The Bolton Abbey Estate in the Yorkshire Dales, which was completed in Spring 2012.

The Pavilion is set within a conservation area and areas designated as Sites of Special Scientific Interest, including an ancient woodland (mainly oak) and the length of the River Wharfe known as The Strid.

Originally built in 1898 to serve tea and cakes to the thousands of visitors who arrived by train, The Pavilion resembles a Victorian style station building.

Refurbished in the 1980s, the Cavendish Pavilion needed to be upgraded and renovated to meet the needs of modern visitors.

The refurbishment works comprised the removal of low height exterior sleeper walls, which had acted as a barrier to custom and separated the venue from its environment. Internally, new glazing for the doors and windows was installed to increase natural lighting, new café servery to upgrade and modernise the facility and refurbished WCs.

The Pavilion was reopened by the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire in May 2012 in time for the summer tourist season and was Highly Commended in the Tourism & Leisure category at the Pro-Yorkshire RICS Awards 2013.

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