The Bridges Cafe Nero – Sunderland

The Bridges Cafe Nero – Sunderland

Beaumont Morgan Developments

The Bridges Shopping Centre, Sunderland

As part of a wider development to extend the Bridges and create a new High Street West entrance, Bowman Riley was commissioned to design a new contemporary 1500 ft2 unit to be occupied by Café Nero.

The design features a 180o faceted glazed façade and incorporates high level natural ventilation.

The aim of the wider development is to improve the environment of the shopping centre and enhance the retail experience for the Centre’s 21 million customers who visit annually, by ensuring that the most popular high street brands are located within The Bridges.

The Bridges Shopping Centre, in the heart of Sunderland features more than 100 shops, including major stores such as Debenhams, H&M, Bank, Topshop/Topman, Pandora and Next.