Evolve New Business Community – Milton Keynes
Evolve Milton Keynes – A Galliard Group Company
Milton Keynes
Bowman Riley was commissioned to create Evolve Milton Keynes, a new business community, following the success of our first Evolve project in Colchester.
The Evolve concept is to develop business communities complete with lifestyle facilities offering small business units and standalone offices for start-up businesses in response to market demand for affordable workspaces in the South.
Located within Woodlands Business Park of Breckland just 1.5 miles from the centre of Milton Keynes, Evolve has located its second scheme in one of the UK’s fastest-growing cities. The style of the Milton Keynes scheme is contemporary to be in context with the new surrounding commercial buildings.
This out of town business park is adjacent to the ancient woodland of Linford Wood, the development features a green roof, sustaining existing trees along Breckland Road, which has maintained a landscape buffer to the site in consideration of its woodland location.
The intention is to create a sleek high-end version of the Evolve concept using corner features and prominent lifestyle facilities yet to sustain the original concept.
One of the main issues to consider was the steeply sloped site, which led to the decision to allocate units on various levels to embrace the topography.
A key consideration was to maximise the number of units on the site to fit within the Evolve design concept. The result is 28 mixed-size units across five storeys with two stair and lift cores, four car parking bays and a bicycle store for 28 cycles.