Samantha Jevons promoted to Senior Associate

Samantha Jevons promoted to Senior Associate

Samantha Jevons has been promoted to Senior Associate in recognition of her marketing and business development skills, commitment and positive contribution to Bowman Riley.

With a degree and professional marketing qualifications, Samantha joined Bowman Riley in 2011 and has managed and coordinated our business development and marketing capability to a high level over the last 12 and a half years.

Externally, Samantha is a high-profile and highly respected member of our industry, which brings with it a vast level of market knowledge and strong relationships. Internally, Samantha has been involved in many of our strategic development initiatives and ideas. Her role outside of project delivery enables her to have a common thread and an impact among all our teams and offices.

Her new role will see her further develop our business development and marketing strategy, which is a key element of how we secure the right type of work and naturally grow to be a healthier and better company.


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