The Grand Parade, New Briggate – Leeds

Bowman Riley provided architectural services on three adjacent properties within the Grand Parade along New Briggate in Leeds city centre, within the High Street Heritage Action Zone.

New Briggate, situated in the Grand Quarter Conservation Area, boasts historic buildings and hosts thriving businesses alongside cultural attractions like the Grand Theatre and Opera North headquarters. However, it faced challenges such as traffic congestion, vacant spaces, and building decay. New Briggate has undergone a transformation to become more pedestrian-friendly, with investments made to repair buildings to preserve their historic significance.

We played a key role by preparing grant applications for two buildings, which sought funding for repairing roofs, façades, brickwork, and architectural features. The grant applications were prepared diligently, adhering to strict deadlines and coordinating with Leeds City Council and the Heritage Action Zone team, including Historic England.

For the former Central Hotel, which formerly occupied two buildings, we designed the reinstatement of traditional shop fronts, timber and sash windows, and refurbished vacant upper floors for residential use.  Our involvement focused on exterior improvements on the third property, which had already converted the upper floors into apartments.

Now completed, our contribution to the renovation of crucial buildings along the Grand Parade has played a vital role in revitalising the street, transforming it into an appealing and vibrant city centre destination and bringing urban living to what was previously a neglected part of Leeds.

Read more about the New Briggate Heritage Action Zone here.

Read more about our Heritage Projects here.