Ramsden Grove – Guiseley, Leeds
Guiseley, Leeds
Bankhead Group
Bowman Riley designed Ramsden Grove, eight new houses within a conservation area on land forming part of the Gordon Mills site, a short walking distance of the thriving Leeds town of Guiseley.
The new homes are on formerly redundant land next to existing stone mill warehouses, a railway line and established dwellings. It makes use of a leftover parcel of land to provide a windfall contribution to Leeds’ housing supply by creating a modest infill development.
Ramsden Grove comprises two, three and four-bedroom detached and semi-detached houses and car parking, all designed to meet Nationally Described Minimum Space Standards. It is also in compliance with Leeds City Council’s Residential Design Guide. This is evident in the spacing of the dwellings, their careful orientation and a cohesive masterplanning to provide a high density yet spacious and un-cramped arrangement on this irregular shaped plot.
In addition to conventional two-storey homes, we designed a bespoke 1.5-storey property, which includes two ground-floor accessible bedrooms, allowing a range of prospective purchasers to integrate into the new street and community, from downsizers to families with additional needs. The reduced massing of this property also helps to soften the impact on the existing neighbouring properties, overshadowing and providing a welcoming site entrance.
Ramsden Grove is the largest development for Bankhead Group to date. We are proud to have supported our client on this site from RIBA Stages 1–3 and to see this development come to life. It was a carefully negotiated planning process, where we retained eight dwellings on site (with the council suggesting a maximum capacity of seven). The project has been hugely successful, with all properties sold off-plan for the asking price.
View our other residential projects here.